martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Genexus - Quitar una extensión

Open Knowledge Base:

Knowledge Base at 'C:\' contains items that GeneXus doesn't know how to handle and will therefore be inaccessible.

It is likely that the Knowledge Base has been previously opened with a GeneXus installation which had extensions that are not present in the current one.

delete from Entity where
 EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner')

 delete from EntityVersion where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from EntityVersionComposition where ComponentEntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from EntityVersionComposition where CompoundEntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelCrossReference where FromEntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelCrossReference where ToEntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelEntityHistory where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelEntityOutput where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelEntityProperty where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelEntityToTable where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner') 

delete from ModelEntityVersion where EntityTypeId = 
(select EntityTypeId from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner')

delete from EntityType where EntityTypeName = 'WebPanelDesigner'

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